Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Sagittarius New Moon ~ Kelley Rosano

Pisces 2013 Horoscope Astrology Year Ahead Forecast with Kelley Rosano

Aquarius 2013 Horoscope Astrology Year Ahead Forecast with Kelley Rosano

Capricorn 2013 Horoscope Astrology Year Ahead Forecast with Kelley Rosano

Sagittarius 2013 Horoscope Astrology Year Ahead Forecast with Kelley Rosano

Scorpio 2013 Horoscope Astrology Year Ahead Forecast with Kelley Rosano

Libra 2013 Horoscope Astrology Year Ahead Forecast with Kelley Rosano

Virgo 2013 Horoscope Astrology Year Ahead Forecast with Kelley Rosano

Leo 2013 Horoscope Astrology Year Ahead Forecast with Kelley Rosano

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pisces December 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Aquarius December 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Capricorn December 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Sagittarius December 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Scorpio November 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Libra December 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Virgo December 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Leo December 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Cancer December 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Gemini December 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Taurus December 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Aries December 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pisces November 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Aquarius November 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Capricorn November 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Sagittarius November 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Scorpio November 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Libra November 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Virgo November 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Leo November 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Cancer November 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Gemini November 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Taurus November 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Aries November 2012 Astrology with Kelley Rosano

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Capricorn Full Moon ~ Love Relationships

The evolutionary wave of change continues with the Capricorn Full Moon on July 3. We are on the cusp of a major shift in consciousness.  What is not built on Love and Truth is dissolving. The cuddly Sun in Cancer in opposition to the Full Moon in crusty Capricorn is requiring us to balance our inner needs with our outer responsibilities.

Pluto is conjunct—sitting next to the Moon and opposing the Sun.  Conjunctions are new beginnings. Conjunctions activate new cycles. Oppositions are awareness’s that come to us through external events, situations and other people. We are being challenged to change and evolve. We are required to increase our Self-mastery.

Yet, the ego personality is needy with an insatiable appetite. This can pull us into the dark side by driving our addictions, codependent relationships, toxic jobs and endless distractions. Our cure is through our personal development, Self-mastery and soul evolution. The path of Self-mastery requires alone time to develop a solid connection to our Inner Being and our Source. This place of inner strength builds a strong personal foundation, integrity, JOY and wholeness. The Soul to Source connection increases our light, vibration and consciousness.

The soul seeks freedom and union with her divine lover our Higher Self. Did you know that the soul-to-Higher Self-connection is the core teaching of Sleeping Beauty and Snow White? The soul is feminine in nature. The Higher Self is male.  In the story, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty fall under the spell of an evil Queen—the prison matrix of third dimension. Evil means energy (light-consciousness) veiled—e-veiled.


This fairy tale allegory reveals that our soul is asleep and has lost her way. The only solution to the evil—prison matrix is True Loves Kiss. Prince Charming represents our Higher Self. He—Higher Self is the only one who holds our True Loves Kiss and can awaken us from the evil third dimension—illusion.

Therefore, our way out of third dimension—lack, limitation, fear and suffering is for our Soul/female to merge with our Higher Self/male.  This is a personal sacred relationship between Self and Source. This holy union is nurtured in our alone time, our independent of other people time and free from external influences. In other words, we fall in Love with Source our Higher Self.

As a result, our Soul awakens when it merges with its Higher Self—Prince Charming.  We must do this independently of others.  It is the marriage of our Soul—Source. This is the path to awakening into Higher Dimension, outrageous abundance, peace, Joy and Love. All Are One.

This is why many people have chosen to be single and choose to live independently for a cycle of time. In order to nourish and nurture our Soul—Source relationship, raise our vibrations, expand consciousness and enter Fifth Dimension—heart centered living.

In other words, to be with one’s twin flame or soul mate one must have made the inner merger between her Soul and Higher Self. Soul mates are interdependent, two whole people united in purpose and bound by heart-centered Love. Soul mate relationships occur by pre-life soul agreements. Soul agreements are at the heart of our relationships. What have we agreed to do together, for instance? We can ask this in any relationship, twin flame, soul mates and karmic partners.

All unions are essential for our soul evolution. No relationship is a mistake. Our relationships are for our learning, acceleration on our life path and mutual growth. Soul mates come together when we have reached a higher level of Selfhood—interdependence and wholeness.

 “Our point here, is that if you find yourself in Solitude, recognize its purpose. If you are in a relationship refine it in beauty to the greater love of non-dependence. You will indeed discover the love expands and the relationship becomes more splendid in non dependency; just as you are discovering relationships of co-dependency are imbalanced one way streets, and fail.

 In this time, in this now, many of you are actually merging with your etheric (non-physical) twin flame, and molding your sacred fullness into one physicality in order for you to enter the crystalline realm in wholeness. In most cases this soul reconnection is accomplished in solitude or in sovereign non dependent relationships.” ~ Metatron/ James Tyberonn

A few hours before the Full Moon Mars entered the sign Libra. Mars has been in Virgo for the past eight months. Giving us the opportunity to readjust, refine and prepare for the new stage and the new energies emerging. Mars in Libra encourages us to make new contacts with others, fight for justice, and launch new projects. However, Mars is the action-orientated individual. Who thrives on his own single pointed nature. Mars rules Aries the sign of “l Am.” Thus, Mars is not happy in the sign of “we” Libra—relationships. Although we could feel some relief with Mars finally out of Virgo.

The Capricorn Full Moon is in tough aspect with revolutionary Uranus and evolutionary Pluto. We are at the crest of an evolutionary wave that has been building for years. June 24th was the first of seven exact squares between Uranus and Pluto. Historically, Pluto and Uranus have greatly accelerated social and technological advancements. For instance, we are on the cutting edge of new technology that will take us off our dependence with fossil fuels forever.

Uranus is pushing our drive for freedom, innovation, and reform—propelling us out of our cultural conditioning, to make a giant leap in the expansion of consciousness. Pluto shows us what has been hidden or denied, forcing us to face our shadow side and own our power. Pluto teaches us how we get power, how we use our power or how we give our power away.

Uranus turns retrograde on July 13 – Dec 13, 2012 forcing us to look at what has been keeping us enslaved. Uranus rules freedom.  Where do you need more freedom? When any planet changes direction, its power is amplified. Uranus wants us to question social mores and live authentically.

Mercury turns retrograde from July 14—August 8, 2012

Mercury the messenger retrograding in Leo is helping us to discern are we living from our ego personality or our heart our essence. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury. Uranus and Mercury retrograding a day apart is calling us to be courageous and creative! Mercury retrograde is good time to double check facts, make revisions and reconsiderations. Take your time with important decisions and make sure to read the fine print. *smile*
Life could become very intense at the Capricorn Full Moon. We could be coming to conscious awareness of many hidden truths. Pluto wants us to use our power wisely. Uranus wants us to be brave and have real Freedom. The cosmic message is that we all have an important role to play. We are all part of a greater whole. Remember that, “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to ones courage.” ~ Anais Nin
Are you ready to make real changes?
Do you trust your Self?
Do you trust your gut instincts, your intuition, your Inner Being?

“Why Do I Want the Relationship I Want…? Think about what you want in a relationship and why you want it. Look for those around you who are experiencing good relationships, and feel appreciation for them. Make lists of the positive aspects of those you have spent time with. . . . In fact, one of the fastest ways to make your way to a wonderful relationship is to find any subject that consistently feels good, and focus on that even if it has nothing to do with relationships.” ~ Abraham
Love and Peace,

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Gemini New Moon and Solstice Suprise

The Gemini New Moon on June 19 is invoking a revolution in consciousness. We are moving from breakdown to breakthrough. What is not built on Truth and Love is dissolving. The “prison matrix” that has programmed our minds for the past 13 millennia is collapsing. As a result, our beliefs, ideas, systems, structures and paradigms are breaking down. These breakdowns are causing chaos, confusion, and uncertainty. This can make one feel extremely uncomfortable not knowing what to expect next?  Relationships, institutions, organizations, and anything that is not for the highest good must evolve or dissolve.

Additionally, we must be mindful of the fact that it is not everyone’s time to awaken. Many people are asleep. This includes our partners, friends and family. Each soul chooses when it is her right time to evolve out of third dimension. Our role is to lead by example. Keep moving forward and be a way shower of light.

“Life on Earth is a vast illusion, structured for the explicit purpose of spiritual evolution for all its participants. We have large amounts of time to learn our lessons — across many lifetimes — while living in very significant amnesia of our greater Identity.

Historical epochs and events keep repeating, so as to give us similar situations in parallel cycles of time. All the while, we have choices as to how to react to these epic changes.”
—–David Wilcock, Divine Cosmos

This is our second Gemini New Moon. The first one occurred on May 20 at 0*and was our first 2012 Solar Eclipse. This New Moon is at 29* and is empowered by several factors.  Such as, the New Moon peaks just 32 hours before summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and winter solstice in the Southern. Solstices act as energetic gateways, allowing a greater influx of stellar radiation as the axial tilt of the Earth comes to a gravitational stand still for three days.

Moreover, the summer and winter Solstices are now also closely aligned with the Galactic Cross—the intersection between the Milky Way Galaxy with the ecliptic—the path of the Earth around the Sun—each Solstice provides a wider portal for Prime Creator’s Love/Light energy upgrading our DNA, downloading our new codes, our new archetypes and accelerating our evolution.

The 29* Gemini New Moon is in opposition to the Galactic Center at 27* Sagittarius. The New Moon is 5 days before the first exact square between revolutionary Uranus and evolutionary Pluto on June 24.  Pluto and Uranus are triggering powerful events that will change and reshape our world forever.

Saturn stations direct on June 25 after being in reverse since February 7. Saturn is encouraging us to take a giant step forward in our personal, business and spiritual life path. Venus the Goddess of Love moves direct on June 27. Venus has provided us with the opportunity to review and reflect on our past, our core values, inner and outer resources and our relationships.

 Thank Goddess!

Venus the Goddess of Love wants us to live from our heart, in peace and prosperity. For instance, doing what we love for a living. If everyone had his or her basic needs met—food, clothing, housing, medical and educational. We would be free to pursue our true path with heart, passion and creativity.  This would be Heaven on Earth—everyone living from their creative power. Our Golden Age is all people having access to opportunity for personal, spiritual and career advancement.  Pluto and Uranus will give us the technological breakthroughs and technology advancements that create abundance for all.

The Gemini New Moon is an anomaly. For instance, New Moons mean new beginnings, a new monthly cycle. This is where we declare our intentions for the next thirty-days. However, this new moon is at 29* and that is the finishing of a cycle. Our zodiac signs move from 0-30* cycles. Thus, the 29* Gemini New Moon has more to do with completing old business and tying up loose ends than starting anew. This is where we could find our greatest productivity.

♠ What is complete for you?
♠ What is holding you back?
♠ Where do you feel stuck?
♠ What opportunities are available to you right now?
♠ What are you proud of that you have accomplished?
♠ What would you dare to dream and do if you knew you could not fail?
♠ If money was not a concern for you, what would you be doing?

Whatever is dissolving in our lives at this time, we want to release, let go and surrender. Our suffering comes from holding on to what is no longer serving our personal evolution.  Instead, we are to make room for the new life that is emerging.  June is the turning point in our unprecedented year 2012.
We want to use the New Moon energy to clean up remnants of the past that are still lingering. In this way, we are free to create the space for new ideas, exciting opportunities, and real prosperity built on a strong personal foundation.

“There is a Life Stream that flows to you, and this is a Stream of clarity, a Stream of wellness, a Stream of abundance… and in any moment, you are allowing it or not. What someone else does with the Stream, or not, does not have anything to do with how much of it will be left for you. This Stream is as abundant as your ideas allow it to be.” — Abraham
Love and Peace,

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse ~ New Opportunities

The Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse on June 4 occurs when the Moon passes behind the Earth so that the Earth blocks the Sun’s rays from striking the Moon. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle. Thus, a Lunar Eclipse can only occur the night of a Full Moon.

The Sun represents our ego, identity, inner essence, will and purpose in life. The Moon is our emotional nature, our need for safety, security and comfort. The Sun in Gemini is encouraging us to be open to new ideas, attitudes and possibilities. An open mind and heart can empower us to move past our fears, doubts, and create new opportunities, new communities and build unity consciousness. 

The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse challenges us to step out of the external limitations of what we think and what we know. We have been programmed by parents, teachers, culture, religion, government and the mass media to see reality in specific ways. We have been trained to worship the mind and the five senses. Yet, 96% of our universe is imperceptible, even to our most sophisticated scientific instruments. So, what is real? What is true?

The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse shows us that those answers cannot come from our head, but will come from our heart. This Lunar Eclipse summons us to integrate the masculine with the feminine, head and heat, spirit and matter.  It is time to move beyond our comfort zones, self- imposed limitations and boldly move into our future.  The power to create is increasing. Creating and manifesting is intensifying as we expand in consciousness. You are a powerful Creator.

♠What do you want to create?
♠What do you think is possible?
♠What empowers you?
♠What are you tolerating?
♠Who or what takes your energy/power?

Venus the Goddess of love, beauty and wealth is retrograde in Gemini until June 27. Venus is making a rare spectacular Eclipse of the Sun on June 5-6. Venus transits occur in pairs. The first one was on June 8, 2004. Previous pairs were in 1874 and 1882.  The next ones will be 2117 and 2125. It is time for women to reclaim their power and speak their truth. Women are not here to be exploited by the deranged 1% who makes the political and social policies to control our body, mind and souls.

Additionally, it is time for men to reclaim their feminine side.  Men were not created to kill and participate in war. Alpha and Omega our Father/Mother God never invented weaponry and war. War has been brainwashed into men by the negative ET influence 13,000 millennia ago. Men are great builders, creators and doers. Men make things happen and can be phenomenal athletes. Mars in our chart represents male energy, our drive in life, and our ability to get things done.  It is time that men take their power back from the 1% that profit from war and exploit our men, women and planet.  Uranus is in Aries giving the power back to the individual and the people.  It is time we claim our power and authority.

♠What gives you power?
♠ How do you keep your power?
♠How do you give your power away?
♠Are you the authority of your life?
♠Do you go within to your Inner Being for your authority?

Just a few hours after the peak of the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse Neptune goes retrograde at 3* Pisces! Yeah! Neptune is the higher octave planet of Venus. For instance, Venus rules love. Neptune rules divine love. Neptune is dissolving the illusion of separation. All Are One. Neptune will be retrograde until November 10.  This will begin to give us a break as Neptune draws down his power. Neptune has been running the show for the first half of 2012.

Jupiter enters Gemini on June 11 until June 2013.  Jupiter in Gemini is encouraging us to open our minds to a wider range of truths. At the time of our Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse, the Sun, Venus and Jupiter are in Gemini. This will create contrast and contradictions for both are essential elements of the human experience. We will have many opportunities and choices being presented.

Prime Creator is using the Eclipse to download Love/Light Goddess energy through these key astrological events creating powerful endings and beginnings. We can go from breakdowns to breakthroughs in our relationships, institutions and systems. All must recalibrate to higher love or dissolve. The cosmic message is to evolve or dissolve. We are to stand in our Truth and power.


The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse is squared to aggressive Mars. We may be battling over petty details in defense of our big plans or our cherished beliefs. We want to avoid debates over principles—Moon in Sagittarius while we gather more information—Sun in Gemini. If we stay open, flexible and adaptable, we will find that there are several opportunities to reach our goals.

The energy will continue to be intense in June. Pluto and Uranus are getting closer to their first exact square on June 24. The last time Pluto and Uranus squared like this, we had the American and French Revolutions. Historically, Pluto and Uranus squares are notorious for taking out the ruling class. People are waking up and taking their power back. People are uniting, organizing and protesting. We must speak Truth to power. We must fight for our Sovereign rights to have abundance, education, housing, health, well being, vitality and the pursuit of happiness.

The cleansing fire of Source is preparing us for the divine portal opening on 12.12.12 and      12.21.12. At this cosmic historical event in December, Earth will align with the Galactic Center and the Great Central Sun moving Earth into Higher Dimension. The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse message is that we must come from our heart. Moreover, anything less than Truth and Love will dissolve in the Love/Light energy of Fourth and Fifth Dimension emerging in us NOW.

“Let your dominant intent be to feel good which means be playful, have fun, laugh often, look for reasons to appreciate and practice the art of appreciation. And as you practice it, the Universe, who has been watching you practice, will give you constant opportunities to express it. So that your life just gets better and better and better.” ~ Abraham

The Four Agreements

“1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don’t Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.” ~ Miguel Ruiz

Love and Peace,
Kelley Rosano

Happy Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse!

Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse Mantras:

“My Strength is in my Patience” “I express my Creative Potential” 
“I Am ready for my next Adventure.”

For a detailed look at your personal astrology
For personal coaching with Kelley Rosano  

      Thank You! You Are Awesome!  

   Astrological Events
  Neptune retrograde June 4–November 10, 2012
Mercury enters Cancer June 7
Jupiter enters Gemini June 11
Saturn Direct June 25
Venus Direct June 27
Mars enters Libra July 4, 2012
Mercury retrograde July 15–August 7, 2012

We can weather this wild evolutionary wave together!   

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse ~ Release Limitations

The Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse on June 4 occurs when the Moon passes behind the Earth so that the Earth blocks the Sun’s rays from striking the Moon. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle. Thus, a Lunar Eclipse can only occur the night of a Full Moon.

The Sun represents our ego, identity, inner essence, will and purpose in life. The Moon is our emotional nature, our need for safety, security and comfort. The Sun in Gemini is encouraging us to be open to new ideas, attitudes and possibilities. An open mind and heart can empower us to move past our fears, doubts, and create new opportunities, new communities and build unity consciousness.

The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse challenges us to step out of the external limitations of what we think and what we know. We have been programmed by parents, teachers, culture, religion, government and the mass media to see reality in specific ways. We have been trained to worship the mind and the five senses. Yet, 96% of our universe is imperceptible, even to our most sophisticated scientific instruments. So, what is real? What is true?

The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse shows us that those answers cannot come from our head, but will come from our heart. This Lunar Eclipse summons us to integrate the masculine with the feminine, head and heat, spirit and matter.  It is time to move beyond our comfort zones, self- imposed limitations and boldly move into our future.  The power to create is increasing. Creating and manifesting is intensifying as we expand in consciousness. You are a powerful Creator.

♠What do you want to create?
♠What do you think is possible?
♠What empowers you?
♠What are you tolerating?
♠Who or what takes your energy/power?

Venus the Goddess of love, beauty and wealth is retrograde in Gemini until June 27. Venus is making a rare spectacular Eclipse of the Sun on June 5-6. Venus transits occur in pairs. The first one was on June 8, 2004. Previous pairs were in 1874 and 1882.  The next ones will be 2117 and 2125. It is time for women to reclaim their power and speak their truth. Women are not here to be exploited by the deranged 1% who makes the political and social policies to control our body, mind and souls.

Additionally, it is time for men to reclaim their feminine side.  Men were not created to kill and participate in war. Alpha and Omega our Father/Mother God never invented weaponry and war. War has been brainwashed into men by the negative ET influence 13,000 millennia ago. Men are great builders, creators and doers. Men make things happen and can be phenomenal athletes. Mars in our chart represents male energy, our drive in life, and our ability to get things done.  It is time that men take their power back from the 1% that profit from war and exploit our men, women and planet.  Uranus is in Aries giving the power back to the individual and the people.  It is time we claim our power and authority.

♠What gives you power?
♠ How do you keep your power?
♠How do you give your power away?
♠Are you the authority of your life?
♠Do you go within to your Inner Being for your authority?

Just a few hours after the peak of the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse Neptune goes retrograde at 3* Pisces! Yeah! Neptune is the higher octave planet of Venus. For instance, Venus rules love. Neptune rules divine love. Neptune is dissolving the illusion of separation. All Are One. Neptune will be retrograde until November 10.  This will begin to give us a break as Neptune draws down his power. Neptune has been running the show for the first half of 2012.

Jupiter enters Gemini on June 11 until June 2013.  Jupiter in Gemini is encouraging us to open our minds to a wider range of truths. At the time of our Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse, the Sun, Venus and Jupiter are in Gemini. This will create contrast and contradictions for both are essential elements of the human experience. We will have many opportunities and choices being presented.

Prime Creator is using the Eclipse to download Love/Light Goddess energy through these key astrological events creating powerful endings and beginnings. We can go from breakdowns to breakthroughs in our relationships, institutions and systems. All must recalibrate to higher love or dissolve. The cosmic message is to evolve or dissolve. We are to stand in our Truth and power.


The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse is squared to aggressive Mars. We may be battling over petty details in defense of our big plans or our cherished beliefs. We want to avoid debates over principles—Moon in Sagittarius while we gather more information—Sun in Gemini. If we stay open, flexible and adaptable, we will find that there are several opportunities to reach our goals.

The energy will continue to be intense in June. Pluto and Uranus are getting closer to their first exact square on June 24. The last time Pluto and Uranus squared like this, we had the American and French Revolutions. Historically, Pluto and Uranus squares are notorious for taking out the ruling class. People are waking up and taking their power back. People are uniting, organizing and protesting. We must speak Truth to power. We must fight for our Sovereign rights to have abundance, education, housing, health, well being, vitality and the pursuit of happiness.

The cleansing fire of Source is preparing us for the divine portal opening on 12.12.12 and 12.21.12. At this cosmic historical event in December, Earth will align with the Galactic Center and the Great Central Sun moving Earth into Higher Dimension. The Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse message is that we must come from our heart. Moreover, anything less than Truth and Love will dissolve in the Love/Light energy of Fourth and Fifth Dimension emerging in us NOW.

“Let your dominant intent be to feel good which means be playful, have fun, laugh often, look for reasons to appreciate and practice the art of appreciation. And as you practice it, the Universe, who has been watching you practice, will give you constant opportunities to express it. So that your life just gets better and better and better.” ~ Abraham

The Four Agreements

“1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don’t Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.” ~ Miguel Ruiz

Love and Peace,
Kelley Rosano

Happy Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse!


Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse Mantras:

“My Strength is in my Patience” “I express my Creative Potential” 
“I Am ready for my next Adventure.”

For a detailed look at your personal astrology
For personal coaching with Kelley Rosano  

 Thank You! You Are Awesome!  

   Astrological Events

  Neptune retrograde June 4–November 10, 2012
Mercury enters Cancer June 7
Jupiter enters Gemini June 11
Saturn Direct June 25
Venus Direct June 27
Mars enters Libra July 4, 2012
Mercury retrograde July 15–August 7, 2012
We can weather this wild evolutionary wave together!   

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Scorpio Full Moon ~ Be The Magician

The Scorpio Full Moon on May 5-6 emphasizes the need to dig deep and analyze our beliefs around money, security and the purpose of life. This is the second of five SuperMoons this year. Sun in Taurus implies that we are all part of the circle of life. Each soul has a vital role to play. Another cannot replace you.  You are the gift.

♦ What is your life purpose?
♦ What are your talent and abilities?
♦ Are you making a living, or making a life?

The Scorpio Full Moon stresses truth and emotional truth. Scorpio rules what is hidden and at the core of an issue.  All souls, structures and systems must recalibrate to a higher calling of Truth. We are entering the Age of Truth, the Age of Empowerment. Pluto, Scorpio’s ruling planet teaches us about power. How we use power. How we get power. How we own our power and/or how we give our power away.

♦ What empowers you?
♦ What is your Truth?
♦ What is your heart’s desire?
♦ What are you on fire for?
♦ What is your passion?
♦ What is holding you back?
♦ What action steps can you take today to empower yourself?

The Scorpio Full Moon is bringing to our conscious awareness the importance of balancing our male and female energy.  This is why Prime Creator is sending the Goddess Love/Light energy to Earth. We are being recalibrated for fourth dimension. Creator is using the Full Moons, New Moons, Pluto and Uranus, eclipses, solstice, equinox and power dates such as, 5.5.12, 12.12.12 and 12.21.12. These are portals into the higher dimensions beaming intense Love/Light to Earth.
It is believed by many that there are a hundred dimensions to God Consciousness. For instance, Amebas are one-dimensional consciousness. Jellyfish are two-dimensional consciousness. Human beings have been stuck in third-dimensional consciousness since the fall of Atlantis. We have suffered for 13,000 years under the control of the Cabal and the Illuminati.  The Cabal has an insane lust for war, greed, global domination and their occult economy*. We are freeing ourselves from this prison-matrix. In truth, we are ascending daily. Some folks are already in 5th, 6th, 9th, 12th, and higher dimensional consciousness. They are the lightworkers on the leading edge, ‘holding the space’ for humankind to awaken.  The Light was winning from the beginning.

♠ What would you do if you had no limitation?
♠ What would you do if you had limitless resources?
♠ What would you create with your new freedom?

This is a magical and powerful Scorpio Full Moon. You are a powerful manifestor and creator. Stay out of fear. Be the magician! Use your power, your magic to create beauty and goodness. We are birthing a new paradigm one based on the power of love rather than the love of power. We are moving into fourth dimension. We are learning to create from our heart. Living from our heart, what we truly love and value. This will create Heaven on Earth.

Speaking of Love the Goddess of Love goes in reverse.  Venus, Taurus and Libra’s ruling planet turns retrograde on May 15- June 27.  This will empower us to reassess our goals, true values and our relationships. However, satisfaction may be delayed with Venus retrograde. Venus moving backward in Gemini is an excellent occasion for reconnecting with people and pleasures from our past. Venus retrograde is giving us the opportunity to dial out of the external programming from the television, the institutions, the family and the government. Instead, we can empower ourselves by going within and determining our own truth, our true values and our Self-worth. This is authentic power, when we live life from the inside out.

♦ What truly matters to you?
♦ What have you undervalued and/or overvalued?
♦ Are you in love or lust?
♦ Are you walking your talk?
♦ Are you owning your power or giving your power away?

Mercury the messenger enters Taurus on May 8 slowing our mind down and being more deliberate and careful in our communications.  The Sun conjuncts Jupiter on May 13 inspiring us with positive uplifting, and empowering can do energy.  Whatever you conceive and believe you can achieve. Empower yourself and then empower people.

This Scorpio Full Moon will be intense. The focus will be on our self-worth, resources and our core values. Taurus seeks comfort and acceptance for ourselves as we are; Scorpio seeks to reveal our vulnerabilities, unmet needs, desires and hidden resentment. We may feel it is impossible to avoid the intensity of our feelings at this powerful Scorpio Full Moon. Yet, a small amount of objectivity can make our feelings useful rather than destructive. Taurus reminds us of what we cherish. Scorpio shows us what we need to transform. We are in the process of a universal transformation.
The Scorpio Full Moon is revealing the hidden motivations, hidden agendas and important truths about the misuse of power and our resources worldwide.  We are changing from short-term, shortsighted gains to long-term, life-enhancing goals.  The power is with the individual. The power is with individuals coming together in groups— power teams. From the grass roots up, we are transforming the world from darkness into the Light. Remember that action speaks louder than suffering. Do what empowers you.

“When you try to justify where you are by pointing out how bad things are, you are headed in the wrong direction. Reach for the thought that feels better, And allow the natural Well-Being that is yours.” — Abraham

Love and Peace,

Happy Full Moon in Scorpio!

Scorpio Full Moon Mantras: “I Am Resourceful.” “I Create.” “I Am Living the Mystery.”

For a detailed look at your personal astrology in 2012

For personal coaching with Kelley Rosano

 Thank You! You Are Awesome!

 Astrological Events
Scorpio Full Moon May 5-6, 2012
Mercury enters Taurus May 8, 2012
Venus Retrograde May 12-June 27, 2012

 We have four eclipses in 2012
 20 May 2012 O* Gemini Solar Eclipse
4 June 2012 14* Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse
13 Nov 2012 21* Scorpio Solar Eclipse
28 Nov 2012 6* Gemini Lunar Eclipse

We can weather this wild evolutionary wave together!

Always Victory!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Taurus New Moon Create Your Success!

The Taurus New Moon on April 21 is empowering us to create greater wealth in our health, finances and environment—our beautiful Mother Earth. Taurus is the first earth sign, charged with developing a healthy relationship to the physical plane.  Perhaps this is why Earth Day falls in Taurus on April 22.

In Taurus, we connect through our sight, sound, taste, touch and smell.  Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, rules the part of our life that has to do with our resources, both inner and outer, our talents, gifts, and abilities. Taurus rules what we love and value. Taurus rules our core values. Taurus also rules our sense of self-worth, self-appreciation and self-respect. In Taurus, we ask:

♥ What do I love and value?
♥ What do I truly want?
♥ What are my talents, gifts and abilities?
♥ What do I want in my relationships?
♥ Do I want what I have?

If we do not have a healthy sense of self-worth and values, we can fall into the shadow side of Taurus. This is “affluenza”— a painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more. This is the bloated, sluggish and unfulfilled feeling that results from efforts to “keep up with the Jones.”

 “How do you feel about those things that you are giving most of your attention to? If there is something in your life that gives you negative emotion almost every time you think about it, we would do anything that we could do to get that negative thing out of our awareness.” — Abraham

Mars is in harmonious aspect to the Taurus New Moon empowering us to be bold, take action, and move forward. The Grand Earth Trine of March continues with this prosperous New Moon.  Pluto is also harmonizing with Mars and the Sun and Moon in Taurus.  You are powerful master creators. What do you want to create at the New Moon and over the next thirty-day cycle?

New Moons are when the Sun—male energy and Moon—female energy consummate and seed the new thirty-day cycle. The Taurus energy is fertile for planting new ideas, projects and relationships, for instance. The Full Moon in Scorpio on May 5 represents the pregnancy that began on the New Moon in Taurus. This is a productive, abundant, and fruitful Taurus New Moon. Empowering us to create the life we truly desire and love.

This is one of the best New Moons of the year to do our Light Casting. For instance, you can do a New Moon ritual on the day of the New Moon or 24-48 hours after the New Moon.  Our job is to tell the universe—the planets what we want. Creator loves us giving the planets something to do. For example, when you go into a restaurant you tell the server what it is you want to eat. You do not look at the menu and say, “bring me something.” For vegetarian folks like me that could be quite unpleasant. The Law of Attraction runs our universe. We want to state to the universe what it is we want in our lives. We can use the contrast—what we do not want. To fine-tune what we do want.  Our responsibility is to determine what it is we want and need. The universe, Creator and the planets determine the “how” and the “when.”*

“Many around you want to point out “reality” to you. They say, “Face the facts. Look at what-is.” And we say to you, if you are able to see only what-is—then, by Law of Attraction, you will create only more of what-is… You must be able to put your thoughts beyond what-is in order to attract something different or something more.”—Abraham  

Venus, Taurus ruling planet is in flirty Gemini—the butterfly of the zodiac. Gemini is the Lovers card in the Tarot. The Lovers represents the male and female polarity. Over the months ahead, Venus in Gemini will present us with a multitude of choices in lovers, jobs and business prospects. Venus the Goddess of love and beauty is in Gemini until August 12.  A plethora of opportunities may have your head spinning in which way to go and whom to choose. *smile*

 “Choose wisely. He chose poorly.” –-Raiders of the Lost Ark

Nebulous Neptune is in harmonious aspect to the Taurus New Moon inspiring and uplifting us to reach for our highest ideals. Additionally, April ends the month with an excellent Sun Pluto trine a harmonious aspect that started at the New Moon and goes exact on April 29. We can uncover hidden resources, be empowered to overcome obstacles and reach our goals.

 “We have never seen any of you want anything that wasn’t for one reason: You have this innate knowing that makes you want to gravitate toward what feels better.” — Abraham

The winds of adventure and creativity are blowing at this brilliant Taurus New Moon. Are you ready to take bold action? Do you have what it takes? Take advantage of this energy field of inspired optimism. A risk taken at this time could have a better than average chance of working out. We have to be willing to take risks and put ourselves more on the line. Those that do will be rewarded. The Taurus New Moon implies that much will happen fast.  In the twinkling of an eye, our lives can improve for the better because we had the courage to make that leap of faith.

”Take the worthiness that is yours, and let the “Fairies of the Universe” assist you. Stop taking so much responsibility upon yourself, and live happily ever after. Shorten that crevasse between where you are and where you want to be, on every subject, to now, now, now, now, now. Ride the wave. Just pluck the fruit… You don’t have to be the one who puts it in the ground any more. You can just skip across the top of things and pluck the fruit of all of the things you want. “Oh, fruit. Oh, delicious this, delicious this, delicious this, delicious this.” In other words, it’s all right there for you; it’s ready for you to receive it as fast and as soon as you will vibrationally let it in.”—Abraham

Love and Peace,
Kelley Rosano

 *Lightcasting Ritual and instructions are given in this video. Enjoy!


Happy New Moon in Taurus!

Taurus New Moon Mantra: “I Am Master Producer. I Create Abundance.”

For a detailed look at your personal astrology in 2012
  For personal coaching with Kelley Rosano
  Schedule Your Session with Kelley!
  Thank You! You Are Awesome!
 Astrological Events
 Scorpio Full Moon May 5-6, 2012
Mercury enters Taurus May 8, 2012
Venus Retrograde May 12-June 27, 2012
We have four eclipses in 2012
 20 May 2012 O* Gemini Solar Eclipse
 4 June 2012 14* Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse
13 Nov 2012 21* Scorpio Solar Eclipse
 28 Nov 2012 6* Gemini Lunar Eclipse
 We can weather this wild evolutionary wave together!
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Libra Full Moon and Romantic Adventures Ahead

The Libra Full Moon on April 6 is the first of five SuperMoons in 2012. A SuperMoon occurs when the Moon is at both perigee—orbiting point closest to Earth and syzygy— in line with the Sun and the Earth. This greatly intensifies the gravitational pull on the tides, tectonic plates and human life. For instance, humans are made of sixty percent water. This gives the Moon tremendous influence over our body, emotions and consciousness.  

All full Moons create an opposition—between the Sun and the Moon. Oppositions are awareness that come to us externally—through external events, situations and people. The Sun in Aries rule by Mars is the energy of independence, individuality and assertiveness.  The Moon in Libra ruled by Venus is the energy of co-operation, supportive alliances, and the benefit in creating win/win solutions to our problems.   

♠ Where do you need to be fearless?
♠ Where do you need to join forces?
♠ Where can you create a win/win solution to a pressing problem?

Everything is energy. I am energy. You are energy. The astrology maps the energy patterns in motion. Aries is the first sign. It represents the power of the individual, our right to freedom, the ability to take a risk and try something new.  Libra is the sign of peace, partnership and justice. Libra challenges us to see both sides and to find the middle ground to find what is fair.  In Libra, we ask, “What is fair in this relationship or situation?”
Libra’s key phrase is “I balance.” Libra’s keyword is “Harmony.”

The big three, Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Aries are reshaping the new energetic status quo.  They are the driving forces in our energetic zodiac.  Uranus in Aries is giving the power back to the people. The grassroots are now shaping our ideals and ideas. Those in power will only be successful if they work with the people.  
“We are on the verge of a global culture of liberation.”—Carl Boudreau

Neptune is in challenging aspect to Mars and Venus at the Libra Full Moon.  Venus and Mars rule love, money and relationships. We want to be awake and aware. Do not be fooled by romantic illusion and/or financial fantasy. Neptune creates our highest ideals that are best internalized and used in our work and creativity. However, most humans project their Neptune out onto other people and situations. This leads to delusion and confusion.  Be aware that Neptune can also represent the liar, thief and betrayer.  

Neptune creates the emotional roller coaster ride. We can soar to the heavens in our delicious delights—he/she is my twin flame.  We are going to make millions on this new business idea for instance. Down the road, you discover s/he makes promises to many people and does not keep their word.  The remedy to Neptune’s disappointment is to see people for who they are and not who we want them to be. If you are feeling lost or confused by someone, an opportunity and/or a situation ask yourself:

♠ What is s/he offering you?
♠ What do you know to be true?
♠ What have you been avoiding?
♠ What does your intuition tell you—your “gut instinct”?
♠ Are their any red flags?

The Libra Full Moon chart reveals that Neptune has the upper hand.  In other words, the planets are depositing—reporting in to Neptune. Neptune is direct and in his home sign—Pisces. This makes him the most powerful planet. Neptune moves slowly and penetrates deeply into our psyche.  Neptune is washing away the past.  Neptune is flooding us with the LOVE/LIGHT Goddess energy. Neptune is empowering us to move from war to peace. Neptune is guiding us to our Ascension and Full Consciousness.

Transformative Pluto turns retrograde April 10—Sept 18. Pluto operates in the shadows in the unconscious. We are not always aware of his activity. Pluto retrograde gives us the opportunity to recognize and confront the shadow within—our fear, darkness and to transform it. Pluto represents power.  How we get power.  Own power and give our power away. We want to own our power—our authority. In other words, do not bully and do not allow others to bully you. We want to allow others to find their own way and not force our beliefs, ideas or ideals on them. This is our 5D graduation requirement—practicing the Law of Allowing and Acceptance. For instance, harmony is not everyone agreeing. Harmony is not everyone living the same lifestyle. We do not have to make other people wrong in order to be right. Right fighting is 3D limited consciousness. Right/wrong is duality. You can be right. I can be right. We can agree to disagree. Harmony is allowing the individual’s inner authority to decide what is right for them.

“Everyone doesn’t have to be the same. Most say, “Well, it’s so much easier if we’re all the same.” And we say, it is not easier when you’re all the same; conformity is the thing that thwarts you most. That massive wanting to get you to conform – to all think the same way and want the same things – is what is causing the revolt that is happening within you. You are determined to be freedom-seekers in a Mass Consciousness society that is determined to make you the same.” — Abraham

Given the nature of my work, I have the opportunity to work with people from the Middle East. I work with clients all over the planet. Experience has taught me that people want the same things in life. For instance, most people want a good job, a successful business, love, health, well-being a bright future for their children and grandchildren.  In truth, separation is an illusion. We are a special soul family called human beings living on Gaia. She is a living being like you and me only her body is Earth.  Additionally, we are taking the planet back from those who rape and pillage Gaia for their own selfish gain. We are the rightful Sheppard’s of Mother Earth. We need to restore her to her Original Edenic Splendor. This will increase our abundance, health, vitality for all creatures’ great and small sharing our gorgeous tiny blue planet—home.

“This is not about a return to nature, but to our nature. Born of the Earth, We are its inheritance.” ~ James Wanless

Messenger Mercury is direct in Pisces. Mercury will return to Aries on April 16, accelerating the pace of life, communication, sparking innovation and invoking stronger language.  Mars is direct on April 13. We want to be aware of our pent up emotions and frustrations this day by directing our Mars through positive behavior. For example, go outdoors, dance, exercise or exert oneself in a physical project. These are positive outlets for the passionate Mars energy.  Moreover, with Mars in Virgo, we need to watch for the tendency to worry, see the faults, imperfections in oneself and/or in other people. Instead, we could center on solutions and not on the problems. Albert Einstein taught us that a problem could not be solved at the same level of thinking that it was created. We want to keep our focus on what we can do and on the remedy.  

Success is not a want. Success is a need driven by passion.

♠ What is your passion?
♠ Do you work with passion?
♠ What assets do you have i.e., good health, a willingness to grow and change?
♠ What opportunities are available to you right now?
♠ How can you reinvent yourself and find fresh passion in your life and in work? 

One strategy for Navigating Neptune in April and the Libra Full Moon would be to seek out a helpmate versus a romantic soul mate.  Instead of following our sexual attractions that can lead us to bad life choices, why not seek out people who can uplift and inspire us. Search for those you can join forces with and form robust alliances. This way, we can move forward through the Neptunian maze of confusion to our pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. We will keep our feet firmly planted on the ground, while reaching for the stars. Our dreams come true and provide each other the much needed reality check along our way.

“So, the truth is, there’s not one path. The truth is, there’s not only one right path. The truth is, all paths can be made to be the right path. The truth is, that every individual has a different path. And that different path that every individual is launching incrementally—and amending constantly—that true path is known by Source and is guided by Source if you will pay attention to the way you feel.” —Abraham

Love and Peace,

Happy Full Moon in Libra!

Libra Full Moon Mantra: “I Love and Approve of Myself, I Create Harmony.”

For a detailed look at your personal astrology in 2012

Thank You! You Are Awesome!

Astrological Events
Pluto Retrograde April 10-September 17, 2012
Mars Direct April 13, 2012
Sun Enters Taurus April 19, 2012
New Moon in Taurus April 21.2012

We have four eclipses in 2012 
20 May 2012 O* Gemini Solar Eclipse
4 June 2012 14* Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse
13 Nov 2012 21* Scorpio Solar Eclipse
28 Nov 2012 6* Gemini Lunar Eclipse

We can weather this wild evolutionary wave together!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Aries New Moon and Ascension Energies

 by Kelley Rosano

The magic and magnitude of the Grand Earth Trine continues when the Sun shifts into fiery Aries on March 19 and the Spring/Fall equinox begins.  The Aries New Moon on March 22 is conjunct wild and rebellious Uranus and square persistent Pluto.  Cosmic Simon says, “Take a giant step forward into your future.” 
New Moons mark the beginning of new cycles. In Aries, we seed new beginnings, new ideas, new projects, and new partnerships. We harvest what we are planting—starting this spring all the way into Leo, Virgo and Libra—the fall season.

♠ Where do you need to be bold, take a risk and say ‘yes’?
♠ Where do you need to take a stand, set a boundary and say ‘no’?
♠ Mars—Aries ruling planet rules our work. What is your sacred work?

This powerful Aries New Moon can have us feeling rebellious against routine activities and overly cautious individuals.  We can be impulsive, yet have great intuitive insights and many “Aha” moments.   

Pluto is requiring that we create a focused course of action, laser in on what we need to do, so we can apply these intense creative forces and break new ground.  Avoid carelessness, it could prove costly. Pluto and Uranus in challenging aspect always exact a price for what we want. For instance, you get the promotion or a new job. Yet, you have to contend with nasty company politics and/or ugly office gossip. 

On the positive side, we have immense power coming through this Grand Earth Trine linking Venus and Jupiter together in Taurus harmonizing with innovative Mars in Virgo and powerful Pluto in enterprising Capricorn.  Great power brings great responsibility. We have been brainwashed into believing that we are mere consumers. The truth is we are powerful creators. What do you want to create?  If money were not a concern for you, what would you be doing with your life and your work? Where would you focus your energy to make a difference?

The Sun will conjunct Uranus on March 24 and square Pluto on March 29. Watch for radical insights and new developments, in your life, and in the world the last week of March. The end March will bring the cosmic imperative to update our beliefs and upgrade our standards for how we relate to each other and to our beloved planet–Gaia.  

Mars, Aries ruling planet is still retrograde until April 13. Calling us to use our warrior power to serve and protect rather than dominate and destroy.  Mercury is retrograde until April 4. Both giving us the opportunity to go deeper and review our life, work and goals.

This spring our energy is about to accelerate exponentially. We are being stepped up for the cosmic gateway—portal into the fourth and fifth dimension. Our graduation from duality and limited consciousness occurs on 12.12.12. Prime Creator is using the astrology to channel the LOVE/LIGHT energy from the Galactic Center into Gaia and all of life—you and me.  


“2012 Acceleration of ‘Ascension Symptoms’
 All is quickening, time is accelerating as the Ascension draws center within your individual & group experiences. The year 2012 will be intense and will have periods of calibration that may throw humanity out of balance temporarily. 

Accordingly as the duality planet recalibrates itself into the Crystalline Field it will also reshape the experience of mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the Earth itself. Every astrological pattern, every date of Eclipse, Solstice, Equinox and Lunar Phase is extremely powerful in 2012. Coronal Mass Ejections, Solar Winds, are exponentially amplifying these.

Humanity will feel the impact of these through what is termed ‘Ascension Symptoms’, and these may be experienced as mood swings, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, lethargy, apathy and fatigue. For each advancing energy will require physical, emotional and mental adjustment to the higher frequencies downloaded.”–-Archangel Metatron/ James Tyberonn

We are experiencing our final exams for graduation on 12.12.12.   For instance, these are our karmic—core personal and relationship lessons/issues. What are you struggling with right now? Self-worthiness, for example, can be a block to our success.  Life is challenging.  
Change is the only constant. The Ascension Energies are cleansing our self-limiting beliefs and behaviors.  This can feel uncomfortable and painful at times. Yet, we must be bold and move forward in spite of our limitations or loss we are experiencing.   We are the masters of our destinies. We are creating the New Earth together. All Are One. The Love/Light energy activated by the New Moons, Full Moons, eclipses, and solar flares are to balance the male/female energies on Gaia. This is Feminine Energy beamed to our planet. We are out of balance by male dominated energy. Feminine values—co-operation, peace, and harmony will replace the male energies of aggression, war and domination. 

We are experiencing the Great Year, a twenty-six thousand year astrological cycle. Also known as the Kali Yuga, this is the Precession of the Equinoxes or Earth’s rotation through the twelve constellations and/or the Twelve Ages. We are currently in the Age of Pisces officially entering the Age of Aquarius around 2150 AD. The Great Year is Gods’ in breath and out breath. We are in the completion, the in breath. God is drawing us home to him.  We are merging with Prime Creator.

The heart of God is the Sun behind our Sun the Great Central Sun. Our Sun—Solaris is a portal that transfers the Love/Light Goddess Energy and/or Christ Consciousness to Earth. We do not have to understand what is happening intellectually. Chaos and breakdown are crazy—making. We want to live from our hearts and keep our egos on a short leash.  Humility and patience are great assets to utilize.

The Aries New Moon brings intense higher energy entering our world requiring that we adjust emotionally, physically, and mentally. We are in an Olympic spiritual training course that increases our capacity to function at a higher resonate energy. This is like a Saturn return cycle where you feel like you are taking two steps forward and one-step backward each day. Keep the faith! The ascension symptoms will appear and disappear quickly and be replaced with a more authentic and stronger—you!

“If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, spectacular life. If there was nothing else that you ever came to understand other than just look for things to appreciate, it’s the only tool you would ever need to predominantly hook you up with who you really are. That’s all you’d need.” —Abraham
Love and Peace,